Wednesday, November 4, 2020

why children should wear mufti

 Imagine children wearing mufti never having to worry  about running out of clean clothes.  I strongly believe that children are sensible enough to wear mufti everyday at school.

In my opinion children shouldn’t wear uniforms because if your a girl and you want to wear shorts you are not allowed to.  Therefore if skirts feel uncomfortable they will not want to wear them.  In mufti they can wear anything they want that isn’t inappropriate for school.

Everyone should wear mufti because you can play sports in them.  If you want to play  games with your  friends you can bring sport clothes so they are comfity to play in.

If you didn’t have enough money to buy a uniform, no worries because you can use the clothes that you already have.  Basically I'm saying that if you bring muftie then you don’t need to worry

bout spending money on your uniform.  So say no to uniform and say yes to muftie. 

In Conclusion

I think that everyone should wear mufti and get given a choice of there clothes.        

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tornadoes form when there's a storm and the cold airs dry and the warm airs wet.  you can tell a tornados about to happen when there's a supercell.  This is a special storm cloud which sucks the air up and pushes it back down.  Then the moistair from the warm air forms a moist cloud and the air spins around and eats on the moist cloud which turns it into tornado

North America-Europe Hyper Outbreak Sequence | Hypothetical Tornadoes Wiki  | Fandom

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A force is an interaction that moves things forwards, backwards, up,down and in any other direction.  There are two types of forces: contact and non contact. Contact is when we touch something and it moves. Non contact is when we don't need to touch it but it moves anyway. Air can push objects if you didn't know this you can test it out by blowing up a balloon and then letting go off

Magnetic forces
If you at a magnite it has a north side and a south
if you connect the north side with the north side it wont connect but if connect the south side with the north it will connect

Monday, June 22, 2020

In room 20 Lucas, Pranav, Ethan and Travis made a taco track.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A guide to staying healthy

A guide to staying healthy

    Do you want to stay healthy and live in happiness?  Well stay tuned in.  Did you know that if you aren't
healthy it can lead to serious health issues such as cancer, diabetes and even heart problems, including

Sleep and Rest
You have to sleep and rest so your body can recover. If you don't sleep you will feel sore and fatigue. 
Additional sleeping can help us stay healthy and calm All day.  Furthermore it is good for your immunity

Activity and Sports
  Doing sport and activities can keep us healthy and fit.  It is good to do some fitness everyday because
if you don't you will get very fat and unhealthy.  However if you stay fit  you will be able to have fun with
your friends and you can stay happy and healthy.  Running and weight  lifting are good because it trains
your arms and legs.

Balanced Diet 
It is good to eat a balanced diet because it means that you can have some junk food and some healthy
food.  Every day you should eat a rainbow.  A rainbow is a variety of colors such as carrots are orange
and bananas are yellow.  The reason why fast foods aren't healthy for us is because they are full of
preservatives.  Preservatives are chemicals in  food to make them last longer and take away the
nutrients in food and makes it less healthy for us.

Personal Hygiene
 It's important to shower, brush your teeth and wash your hands. Each day you should brush your teeth
so your teeth won't rot and fall out.  If you keep brushing your teeth twice a day it will keep you off the
dentist waiting list.  It's also very important to take a shower every day because it keeps your body
clean.  Washing your hands is very important because it will keep you away for bad diseases such as
coronavirus. It's recommended to wash your hands before eating and preparing food like dinner.

It only takes a few simple steps to become healthy and change your whole life so now is your time to
Healthy Life sign — Stock Photo © gustavofrazao #84040450

By Lucas



Thursday, April 30, 2020

I am poem

My “I Am” Poem - By Lucas

I am determined and sporty
I wonder if the universe stops or goes on forever
I hear the clock ticking when I am trying to sleep
I see an indestructible modified drift car 
I wish I was rich
I am determined and sporty

I pretend to sleep and then get up and play around
I feel like I can’t die
I touch a flying eagle
I worry about my friends moving away
I cry about people dying from coronavirus
I am determined and sporty

I understand my dad when he tells me off
I say believe in yourself 
I dream about being a pro bmxer
I try everything I am interested in
I hope my family gets rich
I am determined and sporty
LIVE!! BMX Racing UCI SA Series Krugersdorp 2019 #LiveStream

why children should wear mufti

  Imagine children wearing mufti never having to worry  about running out of clean clothes.  I strongly believe that children are sensible e...